Natural Family Planning

Our seven strategies for building the Civilization of Love are Prayer, Premarital Chastity, Fertility Appreciation, Openness to Children, Marital Faithfulness, Natural Family Planning, and Dignity of the body. We’ve been examining each one to see how they can be used to transform our world. The first four operate as weapons of defense, but with the last three, we go onto the offense, especially with Natural Family Planning.

The biggest obstacle to NFP is ignorance. This approach to child spacing has no health risks, is more reliable than any artificial contraceptive, and is very affordable! It strengthens marriages, raises the dignity of women, and helps self-centered couples to become open to children. Once people really understand how good NFP is, they want to use it and start reaping some of those benefits for themselves. We encourage everyone, both single and married, to learn NFP, even if they may never use it. So many of our friends, neighbors and relations need to know about NFP. Even married couples who are open to receiving all the children God may bless them with would do well to learn NFP. If a crisis arises (they always do) it’s helpful to already have this powerful tool in your pocket. Also, you’ll be able to use it to help those who want to know what makes your family different from others.

The second biggest obstacle to NFP is fear: fear of failure, fear of an unplanned pregnancy, fear of the unknown, fear of being different, so many fears. It’s always hard to choose something so counter-cultural. The changes NFP calls for can be intimidating. Arm yourself with information – the more you really know about NFP the less intimidating it will be. Put your trust in God, and choose to trust His plan for your life. He’s the Good Shepherd who will never lead you astray. You can help others too by your example and encouragement. Pray for those who need courage, including us at One More Soul. This is a great apostolate!

“Human life, as a gift of God, is sacred and inviolable…the meaning of life is found in giving and receiving love, and in this light human sexuality and procreation reach their true and full significance.”

St. John Paul II

There are some great organizations promoting NFP. Several are listed below. Find one, plug yourself in, and start promoting NFP. Lots of Catholic dioceses have NFP offices. They can always use some encouragement and support. Newspapers, schools, churches, medical organizations, and many other associations are great channels for this good news. Pray for guidance, discern which direction to take your energy, and have at it! The possibilities here are unlimited.

In an age when the world has lost its sexual sanity, NFP seems to be a special gift from God that paves the way back. Let’s make sure we don’t let this powerful weapon lie unused.

Billings Ovulation Method Association 699-8139

The Couple to Couple League (800) 745-8252

FertilityCare Centers of America (402) 505-8917

Fundación Familia de las Americas (301) 627-3346(301) 627-3346

Marquette Institute for Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning International

SymptoPro (971) 280-9676

US Conference of Catholic Bishops (202) 541-3240

Natural Family Planning Outreach

One More Soul (Un Alma Más) (800) 307-7685

Many Catholic dioceses have NFP offices or Family Life offices that can supply NFP information. Local parishes and Catholic hospitals may also be good sources.

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